Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Treehouse - Days 9, 10 and 11

Three days and all I have to show for myself is this ladder. But what a ladder. I couldn't be more proud of it. It's like the fourth child we're never going to have. On Monday, Amy and I had an afternoon date at the lumber yard (with John). Lumber was delivered on Tuesday morning and I spent a couple hours getting the stringers (outside pieces) of the ladder cut at the correct angles and the steps cut from scrap that I had laying around. I spent a good part of today in the garage installing the steps, cutting and installing the support pieces and installing the handrails. Ben showed up at the perfect time and helped me carry it to the backyard and set it in place. Swiss Family Elliott ensued.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Now, that's a handsome ladder.