Things have been a little slow on the treehouse front the past few days, between Thomas' graduation from nursery school (+ celebratory lunch) and the pool opening today. But I was able to get a good portion of the railing up. I'm just going to do two sides for now so I have a wide opening on the back side to lift up the walls, which will be built on the ground and then hoisted up. I set the over/under on curses words uttered during this project at 150, and was way under until I started installing the 4x4 posts. Turns out attaching 4 foot long 4x4's to a platform 8 feet in the air by yourself, and making them level, is very challenging. Needless to say, I put a heavy dent in the 150. Thankfully I was finally able to settle on a method that worked pretty well. Thanks to Andy for stopping by and helping out with the railing today, and loaning me his cordless drill after I burnt mine out on the ladder construction. Hope to finish the railing before Disney, then it's on to the house when I return.